Public Patients List

PublicPatient(id, last_login, address, city, state, country, latitud, longitud, postal_code, place_id, password, first_name, last_name, full_name, type_document, identification, code, phone, cell, email, branch, group, user_status, is_staff, is_active_employee, start_date, is_superuser, is_admin, is_partner, is_customer, is_animal, id_user_isis, id_user_bitrix, observation, neighborhood, sex, birth, age_range, marital_status, activity, contact, user_photo, contact_media, counter, nrc, giro, custom_1, custom_2, custom_4, custom_5, custom_6, custom_boolean_field_1, tracking, sign, is_newsletter_unsubscribed, custom_date_1, custom_date_2, date_transaction, user_transaction, device_id)


Field Description
Foto A profile picture
Documento de identidad Options:
  • Id card
  • Foreign identification document
  • Tax identification
  • Passport
  • Social security number
  • Card Identification
  • Civil registration
  • Driver licence
  • Foreign identification document legal entity
  • Foreign card
  • Special permanence permit
  • Unidentified adult
  • Unidentified minor
Número de identificación May contain letters. It is a unique number for each person registered in the system


Field Description
Teléfono When you click on the phones, Sofisis opens the dialing application to make calls from your mobile phone or if it is on a desktop computer, It calls from the 'softphone' that you have installed
Email This email is used to send invoices and reminders. Must be unique. It is required for users who have access to the system
Dirección The address field is integrated with Google Maps. When you select a site, the system saves the coordinates and stores the country and city in separate fields. Take a look at the heat map to find where your customers are concentrated
¿Cómo se enteró de nosotros? Channel through which customers find the company. Example: Website, television, internet, etc.

Field Description
None Google maps place id

Field Description
Género Options:
  • Male
  • Female
  • ----
Fecha de nacimiento
Estado civil Options:
  • -----
  • Single
  • Married
  • Free union
  • Widower
  • Divorced
Ocupación A job or profession


Action Description
Send email content to users

Public Patients It has the following related modules and may be of interest to you:

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